Wanted - Merchant and Guardsman

Started by One_With_Nature, March 20, 2023, 11:51:27 PM

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-A sending rings out followed by various posted in and around the well-

"Good evening Ephia's Well. Citizen Xagova Ghorak of Ghoraks Goods speaking. As business grows, I am looking to branch out and will be looking to take on employees for a couple of key roles. I seek a career merchant and a guardian for now. The pay and perks of such a role shall be great- But so too shall the expectations. I invite interested parties to write me at the League of Gold."

Xagova Ghorak of Ghoraks Goods Seeks-

- A career Merchant

- A proven guardsman

Exceptional pay and benefits provided, exceptional services expected. Write me at the league of Gold if you are interested.