Theatre Plays authored by Palamon of Saint-Allard

Started by mazzz, March 12, 2023, 03:42:26 PM

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[A stack of plays, both terrible and mildly-less terrible all with the signature and obnoxious perfume of Palamon]


[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Dramatis Personae]Dramatis Personae

Sir Richard the Courageous of Skybloom
Dame Emelina the Adamant of Velstra
Squire Biggins
Orentid Strategos Sarah the Butcher
Dark Sorcerer Hamdan the Djinn-Master
Mufti Salman of the B'aarat
Capitano Marco Alessandro of the Banda
Koz'Rath the terrible Djinn

[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Act One, Scene One]ACT ONE - SCENE ONE

Narration: Five months into the dreadful siege of the Well. The camps of Peerage houses Great and Lesser teem with activity. Men are uneasy, and the path to the wastes from the City-That-Was is littered with bodies. We begin at the camps of Great House Velstra, and their vassals- the Household of Skybloom.

Enter Richard with a smile and Emelina in a somber mood:

Richard: Lo' the siege lasts long...
Emelina: Far too long, Sir Richard dear. The men starve.
Richard: And what misery in it, Dame. Waterskins made into sandskins... Nevertheless; the Sky shall Bloom!
Emelina: A bloom? It'll wither dead 'ere long.

Enter Biggins in a hurry, dreadfully afraid

Biggins: Masters, masters! The Orentids have come to address by the ramparts!
Richard: Aha! See, they come to surrender!
Emelina: Let us not be hasty judges, Sir...

Enter Sarah with personal attendant

Sarah: Curs of the Rose, long have you assailed our grand fortress. No longer. We grant you mercy in retreat- your deaths shall come.
Richard in fury: What ho! I shall make myself a trebuchet and toss my gallant self above your machicolations at once! Surrender to we valiants, or else!

Enter Hamdan

Hamdan: Or what?
Hamdan's hands crackle with sorcerous powers terrible. Squire Biggins faints with fear and is ferried away.
Sarah: We have spoken! Glory to the Queen!

Sarah and Hamdan leave

[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Act One, Scene Two]ACT ONE - SCENE TWO

Richard and Emelina entreat with the B'aarat priest Mufti Salman in distress

Richard: The men starve! When shall the Sultan's men arrive?!
Salman: I am afraid sir there is a great deal of tro--
Richard, in outrage: Enough of that! Excuse after another excuse! Our men have made the sands crimson in sacrifice! When shall the Fourth Legion come?!
Emelina: Sir Richard- halt. This outburst reflects upon you poorly.
Richard: They hide, the craven fools!

Richard leaves in rage

Salman: I am but a priest.
Emelina: I know. I apologize for my comrade's anger. I beg you to pray for him and I both. This journey has been hard on us all.
Salman: B'aara smiles upon you all. You, distant children. Those Ibithals have long been excommunicated. They are disowned.
Emelina: If only they would be bereft of their holdings, as they have their ties.
Salman: The Wheel shall spin. In time.
Emelina: Let us pray.

[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Act One, Scene Three]ACT ONE - SCENE THREE

Inside the Well, things too are in disarray. There is no end of troubles in the Wastes. Neither outside the great walls of Ephia, nor within.

Enter Marco, Sarah, and Hamdan. Each upset in their own way. Things are tense here.

Marco: No.
Hamdan: Fool! You bargain outside your reach.
Sarah: You bleed us dry like thieves. The Queen has offered you rats a home, and this is how you pay her kindness?
Marco: The Banda does not work on charity. Pay the dinars.
Hamdan: Wretch, I've heard enough!

Hamdan raises his staff and readies a spell of horrible nature

Sarah: Hamdan, stop!
Marco: I was clear.
Marco moves to stab Hamdan in the chest, Hamdan with a gasp and a croak disappears with a flash of darkness, a gate of hellfire ferrying him away.
Sarah: Insolent traitor! What have you done?!
Marco: The Banda works for the highest bidder. You and your Queen, Strategos Sarah, are -not- the highest bidder.

Exit Sarah and Marco.

Narrator: The Banda, having received an offer from the cunning and shrewd Dame Emelina, have long since switched allegiance. This night was the night that decided everything.

[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Act One, Scene Four]ACT ONE - SCENE FOUR

Enter Emelina, alert and armoured and Richard asleep in his tent
Emelina: ARISE, RICHARD! The gates open!
Richard, waking up groggily: What?!
Emelina: You utter fool! The charge's begun!
Richard: But how...
Emelina: No time for questions! This- this is the hour of glory! ONWARDS!
Richard: Very well then... Sound the trumpets! FOR THE CORSAGE!

Exit Emelina and Richard

Enter an injured, bleeding Hamdan.

Hamdan: Gah... It seems... it is time... Awaken, O' Koz'Rath, servant of Pra'Raj!

Enter Koz'Rath, standing tall over Hamdan with arms crossed

Koz'Rath: Son of B'aara. You have come to me in your time of need to aid. But I require my master's geld.
Hamdan: And what... shall that be?
Koz'Rath: Your soul, wicked man.
Hamdan: So be it...

Hamdan smashes his staff against the floor. Koz'Rath speaks a blasphemous tongue incomprehensible to mortals. Hamdan keels over and dies with a croak.

Exit Koz'Rath and Hamdan

[hide=Rosebud's Bloom - Act One, Scene Five]ACT ONE - SCENE FIVE

Enter Richard, Emelina, injured in battle but fighting valiantly

Richard: The day is ours! The Sky shall Bloom, hurrah! We've won it all, hurrah!
Emelina, with a gasp: The Sky shall do more than Bloom, Sir Richard dear...
Richard: What mean you?
Emelina points to the sky in horror. Richard gasps and falls to his knees, tears streaming down his face
Richard: There is no mercy here...
Emelina: No... No, there is not...
Richard: Where... is that accurst Fourth Legion?
Emelina: Not here, Richard, I'm afraid friend. The day is ours, aye, but I reckon all the day's blood too- shall be ours. We have given it all.
Richard: Truth... In... Action...
Emelina: Yes, dear friend. Yes...

Narrator: The dark sorcery of the Arch-Heretic's student, Hamdan, has led to the Great Flood. Many died and perished that day. Brave Sir Richard and Dame Emelina's sacrifice great that day. Yet, they live in our hearts forever. In our hearts.