{{ Astrological Principles, Observations & Theorems }}

Started by Dinars to the Moooon!, February 24, 2023, 06:11:16 PM

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Dinars to the Moooon!

Astrological Principles, Observations & Theorems

There is much we know not. We begin by questing for the answers. To quest for the answers, we begin by formulating the questions. There are three QUESTIONS at this juncture.

First. The Incarnum Theory may be incomplete. Empirically established observations suggest the existence of NINE Incarnums, with rumors of THREE more, for a totality of TWELVE. Are there more?

Second. The Oppositional Theory of the Sun is untested. Empirically established observations suggest that the Sun may be in opposition to the Celestial Disc and the Stars of Creation. In day, the former fade the latter, occluding observations. What is the nature of the Sun in a grand unified theory of the Creations and Cosmos?

THIRD. The Theory of Gravitational Fate. Empirically established theory to my limited knowing is that the Celestial Disc is the anchor that defines the Principles by which the Soul abide. The Incarnums are filters, that when applied upon the Soul, apply a weight that is felt by Creation and Cosmos; granting boons or ills. What is the extent to which a Soul's Gravitational Fate may be manipulated? Can an Astrologian grant DESTINED DEATH?

Dinars to the Moooon!


The Luminous Truth: we are not alone, here upon the Disc. That every star that shines in the sky is another world, peopled by others who are as kin to us.

We grasp then that the Celestial Disc is itself creation. Celestial Gravitation draw us to it, and we transmute lightly the threads of fate through the Incarnums. Are the Incarnums then reflections of Principles that govern the Soul? We know of the Observable Nine, and of the Imperial Three, but are there more then that can be applied to the Soul?

My view is that the Incarnums are such, and the constellations provide shape and structure to the Incarnums. Ergo, by studying the stars, we can discover new Incarnums. This, then, is the First Revelation. The Stars govern the Principles that govern the Soul. Study the Stars, learn the Principles, and master the Soul.