The Tilted Scales Mercenary Company

Started by Electrohydra, February 13, 2022, 06:06:58 AM

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Tilted Scale Mercenary Company

The spirit of the Blade Boom echoes in Little Ticker. Looking to enrich herself in the business of battle, Erica Danebuff has started recruiting for a new elite mercenary company. Ready to sell their services to the peers to fight their conflicts, or anyone else with enough groats to afford their services, they seek to establish themselves as a professional, reliable company worthy of the most lucrative contracts. A secondary, less publicized goal is to become a leading force in Little Ticker and become the leading force in the district.

Generous sign-up bonuses available.

QuoteClass : No paladins, no druids
Race : Any
Alignment : Any, but Good and/or Chaotic characters may have a harder time fitting in.


Up up up! The Tilted Scales are doing fine, and the more the merrier! Plots going on, supportive with each other and freaking good-looking colours!

Join the red wave!
P.S. - Bonus payment on recruitment
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