A change to FE shapechanger ranger perk

Started by LordOfBones, January 15, 2014, 02:35:46 PM

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I haven't tested this myself, since it isn't quite a quick thing to test but.

From what I can read anyone who utilizes the favored enemy shapechanger perk would become extremely vulnerable to infestation of maggots.

  • Immunity: Disease.
  • Drawn blood has a chance of revealing lycanthropic nature of other PCs.
  • +1 cold damage VS shapechangers.

[The following is from NWN wiki]

Due to a bug, immunity to disease does not make one immune to this spell. In fact, if it does not come from a feat (Divine health, Purity of Body, or Perfect health), then disease immunity causes the saving throws to be automatically failed.
[End Excerpt]

My recommendation is to make the ranger perk give Divine Health to the ranger to represent immunity to disease instead of applying the immunity to the character skin.



Good suggestion if so. We'll look at it at some point.


Tested and yes, this is true. However, this is a bug related to the spell Infestation of Maggots and not the perk itself. It has been fixed.