Return of Custom Armor Vendors (Steel & Poetry smith, Webber's Wonders Leather)

Started by Poolson, March 01, 2021, 10:12:24 AM

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What?: The NPC that made custom-fit metal armor from Steel & Poetry and the custom-fit leather armor from Webber's Wonders survive the destruction of Ticker Square and set up shop again in Little Ticker.

Why?: I don't think it's much of a harmful request. At base price, the armor from these vendors were more expensive than just buying a default set at the Toyfolly Gnomes - even more, if you wanted to add any side bonuses, or a save.

Fashion is fun! Let's drum it up again. The NPC that makes cloth at Naoli's Shop is already there, so that removes the need to introduce the tailor that makes custom-fit clothing.

How?: As it was from the prior system, costs included.

Extra: If this is something that someone wants work towards, a donation bowl to get the business up and running again, much like the other Ticker Square businesses in the ghetto, seems reasonable to me and hands-off for requiring DM assistance!


I would just like to add here, people do love customizing their stuff. Be it armor or clothing. And yes, eventually DM Loot or a piece of Quest loot might be superior, but it does not stop people from trying to create something interesting, unique, or original.

Even Grendor's own shirt was custom made, and it stuck with him from beginning to the end.


+1 for this!

Personally I would rather have my character in something less powerful but tailored for their look.


Hi, this is like my fifth post ever pls readd customizable armors thanks.



The smith is awesome!!

At some point could a leather  customizer be added as well? If there already is one, rgr and disregard.

Cloth already exists in the Peerage.


Slight addendum; there's an empty room on the same building of the smithy that could be utilized for a leatherworker, if you're looking for real estate to put it.

I'm very happy the vendor's made a return, though. Thank you very much, Abala.