Remove lower level quests limit

Started by Damien, January 15, 2014, 06:58:42 PM

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Most of the quests at the lower level end seem to have a limit. I'm sure the original premise was to better control the exp in the early stages of EFUR but now it is so much more difficult, especially if you find yourself continuing to die like I often do.



I second this, I find that the lower level quest limit is easily reached and then it becomes a "oh great.. I can't die now I have to be super paranoid" because if you do die your gonna have to rely on mooching off of higher levels for questing and the xp tick to take you to 5th was it?


Le bump in less than 24 hours is not going to speed anything up. Whether we decide to do something will happen on it's own time.


Must get some points for getting the minutes right?