Tristan Caerfal, Moonshae Longbowman

Started by Calixto, November 25, 2020, 11:17:31 AM

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Tristan was my frst EFU:COR character, and when I made him, I had no objective or ambition whatsoever besides trying the Sharpshooter perk. So I gave him a basic backstory and kicked him into the world, taking decisions according to how the server changed.

Tristan was a simple farmer of the Moonshae. Like many others, he was infeoded to a noble, who often drafted his vassals into his petty wars, which was somewhat a good thing since it allowed him to get some fighting experience. That said, although he was a talented archer, he still wasn't a professional soldier, which was reflected in his somewhat subpar melee ability.

He often spoke his mind, even if he was fully aware of the consequences, as to him remaining silent in the face of evil would have been unbearable.

Because of this he retained a distrust for nobility in general, and he would have remained a Tickerman forever weren't it for being the victim of a mugging by corrupt blackjacks. He realized that to protect himself, the best bet would be to join a noble house, and he joined the only one who was worthy in his eyes: House Glitt which, after its collective alcohol dishabituation, stood out as the only one in the decadent Peerage that would stand for the weak and defenceless, even having their retainers take a oath to do so.

A screenie about the ongoing Holt II plot. This is common and open knowledge, but for those who did not see the ic forums threads, House Glitt was blackmailed by the patriots into supporting them, else they would reveal the existence of Lord Bernard's mongrel son...

After that, Tristan went to the Mongrelwoods to try to find Holt.... Almost succeeding in actually seeing him, maybe if only he would have passed this persuade check!

Tristan always hoped that Lord Bernard and his son would be reunited, somehow. Although he was disappointed when it looked like Bernard would never accept his lost son, he hoped that he would change his mind when seeing him. Regardless, Tristan understood the suffering Bernard and Mairead had been through, and this sympathy meant that his desire to serve House Glitt only grew because of that. This is how a man without master choose to become a vassal again - but a vassal to a worthy lord he was able to chose.

I want to thank and give kudos to all the characters he interacted with him and made him worth playing. I cannot name you all, although special thanks must go to DM Dillusionist, and Glittfellows CaptLars, Grix, and Glyph!
Most enjoyable characters:

Tristan Caerfal (NG Human Sharpshooter)

Thomas Valentine (Human NG Fighter/Rogue)
Durga (Half-Orc NE Cleric of Ilneval/Fighter)

Marion Sileyna (Human LN Cleric of Loviatar/Fighter)
Atreia Kelten (Human Paladin of Tyr)
Riku (NG Stargazer Ranger)


[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


A really old character - because I remember Aethelwine selling him a key to Ring 97 near the start of the chapter but it was the wrong key (OOC mix up).

I like the screenshots - such an excellent snapshot of the Holt II plot - and a great obituary thread that summarised the character well.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.
