Consider rebalancing elemental damage spells in favor of acid and electricity

Started by Eraamion, May 04, 2020, 01:23:24 PM

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Cold is arguably the best element to specialize in if you are an arcane caster. Wide array of damage spells, rare DR/DI among monsters, and useful custom secondary effects that work. Fire is weaker due to common DR/DI but still very good thanks to many useful spells. The additional GSF evocation bonus from chosen Flame Weapon element reportedly does not work for fire however.

Now acid, most of the acid spells are conjuration so it makes more sense to play a conjurer with GSF conjuration AND GSF evocation if you want to deal decent acid damage and have them trigger the effect from your selected FW element. As an evoker, you cannot cast conjuration spells. For acid themed sorcerers, this is also difficult to pull off due to their limited number of feats. So I would suggest to boost the secondary effect (currently -2 AC for 1d6 rounds on a failed save) to reward such niche characters. Even then, acid has few lower circle damage spells compared to other elements. Acid Splash is not DC dependent, Melf's Acid Arrow is not DC dependent and you cannot cast it repeatedly until the per-round damage expires (unlike say Combust); the fun starts with Mestil's Acid Breath at circle 3. I would perhaps suggest to take a look at sorcerer perks and see if some acid themed one cannot be developed or the existing ones (maybe Ooze Savant) updated with changes to default spells, similar to how Hydromancer works.

Electricity too seems underpowered and some consider it the weakest element due to common DR/DI and narrow spell choice. Gedlee's Electric Loop is very weak due to short range, friendly fire, and unreliable looping. Lightning Bolt, Scintillating Sphere and Electric Orb are alright but do not make difference compared to other elements. Ball Lightning is good only if you fight a single target, though in those cases you could often choose other circle 5 spells for better effect and Electric Orb, one circle lower, will be always better than Ball Lightning because it does not halve or nullify damage in case of reflex save and you also get a chance to stun the target. Moreover, the custom FW secondary effect (1d4 damage to adjacent targets) is reportedly unreliable and at any rate too weak compared to cold (Slow) or acid (-2 AC) except in very specific situations such as casting electric jolts on a swarm of rats.

To recap my suggestions:
For acid, make the secondary effect from chosen FW element with GSF evocation better, such as by increasing the duration of -2 AC to 3d6 rounds. Consider making more spells or enhancing sorcerer perks.
For electricity, there could be several ways to make it more balanced, I do not know what would be best. Examples:
- giving Gedlee's loop medium range instead of short range
- boosting Ball Lightning damage to 2d6 per CL
- better effect from selected FW element for GSF evocation, e.g. chance to stun for 1 round
- looking at Infuser Sorcerer perk, seeing if it can be made more elegant and interesting to play, say by not requiring the whole orb recharge mechanics for low DC damage spells but instead adjusting it similarly to Hydromancers

Thanks for considering; thoughts welcome!

Egon the Monkey

Gedlee's is a terrible spell as it's mediocre at everything. Having two saves to avoid the stun means most things get to avoid the stun. Burning Hands has better odds on damage, and is easier to target.

If you want to stun things as an Evocator, you might as well just drop a Cloud of Bewilderment on them.  Bigger range, a Blind effect that Mind-Affecting saves don't help with, and it denies an area for a while. If you want damage, drop a Combust.

Electrical damage would be better if its L2 spell had a use, as L2 spells go through Blur. If it could be changed, I'd  make the Will save independent of the Reflex. That way it's quite good as it has decent odds on inflicting either damage on low Reflex enemies or stun on low will ones.

At its current range, it's potentially useful like Sound Burst is, but the fact you have to fail both saves to take the stun makes it pretty poor.


Gedlee's Loop would be fine if it didn't hit allies (including the caster).

If it was modified to work as Slow does and only hit hostile targets, it would be much more useful and its limited range would be an insignificant limitation.