Dropped shields vanish after being picked up.,

Started by Trevor White, April 21, 2020, 08:42:11 AM

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Trevor White

1: I pick up a few bulky bits of loot, leaving no inventory room for my shield. Thank you, Recover Trap...
2: Before I think to organise it, i swap weapons and my shield auto-drops on the floor.
3; I pick it up and re equip it. It behaves normally.
4: 2 minutes later, if disappears off my PC's arm and vanishes out my inventory, leaving no log in the inventory.

I have now lost two +1 large shields to this bug  and am considering moving to a small shield in part to slightly reduce the chances of this happening XD
This is Egon.  He's been away so long he forgot both his normal account name AND the email account he used to register it. So now he's on an alt account until he fixes this :P