Paladin - Lay on Hands

Started by Richørd, April 01, 2020, 09:51:26 AM

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Since the update that increased the basic amount of Smite Evil for Paladins to 3/rest my PC can now also suddenly use Lay on Hands 3/rest.

I don't know if this is an undocumented change that was intended or a real bug. But felt like I had to report it either way.


This is an amazing change that has made paladins much more fun to play, as we can use the class feature much more plentifully.

There are playing of healing/day items in the world. No one thinks of them as particularly powerful. Why not increase the uses of this cool class ability?


I agree, Stranger. But it wasn't listed in the module changelog and has therefore to be reported.


Originally this was going to be the change, then we settled on a cooldown as a future addition. This wasn't reverted back.

Its fine to use for now. When Lay on Hands becomes a cooldown it will be reverted.