Project Sandbox;

Started by Cruzel, February 17, 2009, 02:48:16 PM

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I've recently aquired like, 5 computers from businesses and friends who no longer want them. I'm in the process of turning them into like a giant archive network. In total I've got around 6 TB or something of space.

If you any of you guys would be interested, I can provide free hosting for any files/whatever  once it's all set up, for public use.

I'm willing to give you guys a free, public or private space to stash music, pictures, movies, whatever, mainly to test my networking to see if it can handle all this traffic.

Obv conditions apply ; I'll take your shit down if anything turns out to be porn or viruses, and shit. Don't abuse it, and this could be cool.

This is all still being set up/planned, but feel frree to hit me up with a PM if you're interested.

I can has fun?


According to my ISP, my secondary network has no bandwidth/usage limits.

Daemonic Daz


question: can i has pr/0/n?


What is the uplink speed on your secondary network?

The Beggar

This could be like, a giant repository of nerdy D&D associated material!

A veritable Nirvana!