Regroup spell

Started by Cruzel, June 09, 2019, 07:39:02 PM

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This spell as it is now, will teleport nearby allies to the caster.   This is a really cool concept, but the range is abysmal.   The range appears to be 'medium' which is about twice the range you can hear someone whispering.   So in practice this spell is essentially useless for anything except helping an encumbered person up a cliff or something.

It would be cool if we could specify which (willing) person we're trying to grab, over longer ranges.

Alternately, it would be amazing if we could use this spell to scoop people standing near a teleport location you've marked or a person you've set with a /c command, and bring them to you.  This would make the spell FAR cooler and more useful


I'm fairly sure it calls your summons to you.


Right now it will teleport PCs to you, but they have to be fairly close. (Sneak attack range is the approx. comparison so that you get an idea)   Which is really, not very useful at all.


have them do some sort of long channeling animation and will teleport anyone set ally to you if you '/c regroup X' like it was the pvp/ally tool use of words.  only works in same or 1 area away.

/c regroup Jim
teleports Jimbob
/c regroup Tokda
teleports Karen Tokdakids
/c regroup Boost
teleports the dm to FD you