Ring running crew

Started by Kotenku, February 16, 2019, 03:18:31 PM

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With respect to OWN who is doing their own thing in a time zone incompatible with mine...

My motivation for recruiting in this way is that I've got a busy personal life and I can't engage with efu the way I want to. Being too busy to log on when awesome things are happening (that my character should be involved in)  has historically left me feeling guilty and depressed, so I really just want something structured that I can plan around.

I'm looking to get a group together for scheduled weekly ring running. I'd like this to be a quasi PnP style experience, with our characters only really advancing in XP when together.

Getting to ring 1 should be each character's highest goal, with minimal regard for local politics. In short, this would be an ideal group for alts.

I'd like to get 6-8 people, with a well-balanced, classical D&D party, and meet at the same time every week.

I'm working 8-5EST and Fridays are not available. I'm leaning toward Monday or Tuesday nights from 7pm to midnight at the latest, but these aren't the only options.

Hit me up on Discord and we can hash out the details.
