Slight Barb Rage Change

Started by Kinslayer988, February 05, 2019, 08:28:53 AM

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I think that even with all of the changes, barbs could use one more.

I am suggesting that barb rage be done through charges rather than having just one.

As an example, you get 1 at lv1, 2 at lv4, 3 at lv8. Each rage charge you have has its own timer. So what would happen is when you use a charge a timer starts so timer1 begins. Five minutes later you use another rage charge and that starts timer2. Five minutes again and you use charge 3. So by this time your cooldowns for your charges would look like (assuming this barb has a 12 minute CD):

Timer1: 2 minutes left
Timer2: 9  minutes left (+2 from fatigue)
Timer3: 16 minutes left (+4 from fatigue)

I think that this would keep in line with how barbarians were played in the past and allow them to use their signature rage far more frequently.
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I absolutely agree, while the new furors are sweet, barbarians feel a little underpowered since the new changes.