Melissa Hardden -Sweetheart, Hothead, Liar?

Started by XzarWizrobe, January 13, 2019, 10:01:45 PM

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Look at that clickbait title, eh?!

No... In seriousness, this lass was accidentally my favorite character I've EVER played. She was sweet, full of vim and vigor, and always ready to help whoever, whenever. The fact she was in the Spellguard -thank you so much, Clorinda, for dragging her in- was completely mind blowing. She quickly impressed and was well loved by all her fellow Watchers and Warders. Sad to say, there wasn't any great screenshots taken from my end, as I'm horrible at doing that during events. But she was there for the completion of several steps, visited Ymph and left after curing Withering, made "enemies" with PCs, and befriended most with her charm.

I wanna mention a bit of her backstory here, and one of her goals. As she never got her -revelation- about her past due to circumstance... She was close, getting there as life turned more to shit! So... Biggest spoiler for her; she wasn't some very young girl. Her magical blood coupled with how she was raised gave her the appearance and mindset of a peppy lass. And to give the gist of her backstory; She was born to a family of travelling merchants. Nothing rich or fancy, just mother, father, and her. During the dark of one fateful night, her family was beset by bandits. These bandits --"They", as she always referred to them-- were nasty individuals who would enslave folk. Their master will-breaker? "Mamma" Gelda Ironskin! Melissa was taken in by "Them" as payment for safe passage for her mother and father. And over the years, "Mamma" shaped her, toyed with her, into being an obedient little girl. "They" used Melissa's charms frequently when visiting towns and cities as a cover -either having her to scout the populace or to disguise as a sweet family.
Somewhere down her timeline, roughly after the Darkening, her magic blood was discovered by "Them", and they proceeded to, in madness of the darkened sky, survive and thrive by draining and drinking Melissa's blood. Delirium and sickness were her friends... and only a fortunate crossing with a band of Dread Thralls saved her... causing her to flee for her life. But not from fear or hate of "Them", but purely for survival... She would spend the rest of her life thinking "They" were decent folk... never to realize fully what she missed out on as a child...

This is what makes her sad for me, what made her fun. She was broken, and I loved her to bits.
I hope the rest of you did as well, and do not mind a look into what small story I gave her.

Warder-Adept Melissa "Titles" Hardden


Enjoy what little screenies I got!

I've another with Gentle in a dress.... But we're at
so... ;D Maybe after we finally have our REVELATION


Sachis Maat

A great PC, I enjoyed our interactions very much. There was a lot of potential for more development there between our PCs -- a mage and their apprentice is an interesting relation to explore and I wish there'd been time to do more of that. (Let's leave aside the fact that Melissa was effectively more powerful than Clorinda.) Fascinating to learn about her background, I surmised that something was very off but I had no idea what it was!

Well done!