Knights of the Purple Crystal

Started by Chiaroscuro, October 25, 2018, 09:32:21 PM

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Apparently, you can't spell "rum" without "Grumbar". So I made this. Feel free to join ... or oppose!

Quote from: Chiaroscuro on October 25, 2018, 09:26:56 PM
The Most Luminous
Knighthood of the
Purple Crystal
Rules of the Knighthood

1. Seek and gather the sacred purple crystals, and distribute them freely to the people who dwell in the Underdark, for they are the divine essence of Earthlord given form; they are the blessings of Lord Grumbar, and the expression of his love for all those who roam his sacred halls.

2. Honour, respect and obey the priests of Grumbar, insofar as they themselves honour the Lord.

3. Never make an oath lightly, for once made, you are eternally bound to it, and must never break it; verily it is better to die than to break an oath.

4. Follow local laws and customs whenever able; honour traditions; oppose radicalism; question change; resist revolution.

5. Be patient and judicious; be good of cheer and ponderous of wit; stay aloof and indifferent to meaningless quarrels, petty strife, and political battles, unless they are of the greatest import; be thou as equanimous as the mountain itself.

6. Seek out and put down major threats to the Peace of Grumbar; that is to say, subjugate anything that threatens the eternal continuity of the Earth, and the peaceful and ordered lives of those who dwell within it.

7. Chastise necromancers; destroy the undead.

8. At every turn, oppose capricious Akadi and her whimsical works; make war upon her airheaded servants, lest her frivolous faith gain a foothold in the very halls of the Earthlord.

9. Obey the Grandmaster; respect your fellow Knights Luminous; work to maintain and improve the good name of the Knighthood; always join the Round Table, so that decisions as to the activity of the Knighthood can be fairly made.

10. Always carry one purple crystal for yourself, for they are the vessels of God.

11. Do not sail, nor swim, nor fly, unless absolutely necessary, for such unnatural acts are as shameful as sinful.

The Uncommon Law

I wonder if anyone has tried applying for a Purple Crystal Earth Genasi before.
"Is there no hope for justice in this ghastly business, then, Sir Humphrey?"

"Oh, I would think not! The common law is hardly common and the civil law is rather uncivil, my good man."


Quote from: The Uncommon Law on October 26, 2018, 02:40:54 AM
I wonder if anyone has tried applying for a Purple Crystal Earth Genasi before.

Join the Most Luminous Brotherhood today, friend.