Shadow Slayers

Started by Stranger, July 29, 2018, 11:16:52 AM

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Despite innately having 50% concealment (like all previous levels of Shadows) through the Incorporeal property, Shadow Slayers cast Improved Invisibility on themselves as their first round action. This is a waste of a precious combat round.  They should cast Ultravision instead, like the lower levels do, or Darkness.

Beyond efficiency, casting the spell is unreliable and easily interrupted. It would be better if summons of the Shadow theme had some kind of inherent ability to penetrate darkness upon summoning. Perhaps Blindsight, as held by the Ooze and Astral themes. Or a script which innately grants them Ultravision. As the creatures are easily defeated by the use of Turn Undead, and this is one of the dangerous "evil" themes, I am sure it would not be too powerful.


I'm aware of the existence of some items that apply ultravision to the wielder of them. I wonder if this property could be added to the shadow's skin or weapons.

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I gotta say the Point of the improved invisibility spell is so that they can turn invisible for a long duration of time and get a chance to use their sneak attack/not be so easily hit.  This also makes them quite scary when in groups/a swarm of them are doing it. I implore on the DMS to not nerf Shadow Slayers they are some of the most fearsome undead on quests and if used by a mage that knows what they are doing they are even scarier.   


I am suggesting a significant, although indirect buff.

Shadow themed summons being able to sneak attack in Darkness out of the box could be very powerful when combined with a hasted summoner. There is very little advantage in casting Improved Invisibility when entering combat, which is the only time these summons cast it. Sneak attacks can also be arranged through multiple summons, if nothing else, and NWN's generous flanking system.


This is particularly relevant because shadows not yet affected by Ultravision, if caught in a field of Darkness, will attack their own summoner.

That problem nearly killed my character tonight.