The Hermetic Cabal of the Bound

Started by Random_White_Guy, November 07, 2013, 07:12:15 PM

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As the other thread got kinda bogged down by excess I thought with plots moving forward and more information becoming available to the public I'd remake this thread with more serious intentions.

With the other shoe falling and plots progressing I am now prepared to provide a bit less covert information on the Bound for those who have expressed interest.

The Hermetic Cabal of the Bound is a four part endeavor that has been desirably covert and spreading through out EFU until last night.

QuotePart 1: Demon Hunting and the opposition of chaotic forces has been pushed in many forms through vigilante actions, private information gathering disguised as an investigative company, and the public hunting of demonic forces. Some PCs I have met in private and even been hired to pursue suspected cultists and otherwise.

Part 2: The proliferation of the Sorcerous Arts in civilized atmosphere. EFU has a long history of sorcerers embracing the druidic lifestyle, nature, and the pursuits of savage arts such as Bloodmagic. I and a small number of sorcerors have been endeavoring to change that pursuit with a more organized and civilized endeavor. With the plots proceeding this has now become public knowledge.

Part 3: Lower Sanctuary has forever been a hotbed of anarchy and chaos. Those who prey upon others and form as gangs, criminal enterprise, religious pursuit, and otherwise. The Bound have operated since day one in Lower Sanctuary in pursuit of establishing more of a sense of community but not in the traditional sense. The establishment of a kernel of order and survivability in opposition to many chaotic and religious forces with their own intentions.

Part 4: As ever though there is always other layers of intrigue in play to see that interest is kept and actions going forward keep people on their toes as we pursue our endeavors.

Based heavily around the psuedo-religious context of a Cult, the Hermetic Cabal of the Bound is designed to involve many on the PC level. Rather than focusing on any one faction it is an undertaking that can involve people in any way, shape, and form.

In many of our actions a lot of inspiration has been taken from older and now non-existent Factions such as the Transcendant Conclave and the Numinous Order. Magic and Religious zealotry merged in the notion of magic being heavily regulated and the most dangerous aspects of EFU practiced by the disciplined.


    PCs can be of any class except Druid or Paladin. I'd ask anyone interested in creating a cleric for the faction to PM me ahead of time so we can discuss things, but otherwise existing Clerics are welcome to pursue involvement.
    Sorcerors and Bards are welcome but quite literally any PC can find themselves a place. We have had a variety of individuals across the entire span of classes who have been involved or died as matters proceed
    Alignment: There is heavy emphasis on Lawful and Evil activities. However that is not said it is an entire faction focused on the LE alignment. LN, TN, LE, NE are the preferred alignments but there is always opportunity for others
    If possible I'd really like to flex the beauty of the Sorceror Perk System rather than having PC after PC show up as the same perk. There is opportunity for numerous types of sorcerers from all walks of life. From the outset I'd say "Unpredictable" and "Tribal Shaman" would be ones best avoided given the nature of the pursuit.
    Potential for LE Knights, Assassin, evil Weaponmasters, RDDs, Palemasters, and more. Given the savage nature of Bloodmage it is a possibility but something likely frowned upon

Needless to say if you ever had interest in playing a Diabolist or someone involved in that vein of RP the time is ripe!
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips