Spider Breath

Started by xXCrystal_Rose, June 10, 2013, 05:46:59 AM

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Like acid dragonbreath, but it spawns 10 sand spiders. Perhaps hostile to everyone- even the breather. Like the snakes in a bag. You know that would be amazing and terrifying to witness. Just an idea to make horrible things even more horrible.

Inspired by Kotenku's cat.

Spiffy Has

Rose, the source of good, horrible ideas.


I would rather see a Hornet's Nest to be honest.

An angry nest of low level broodkeeper maggot spawn  or Hellwasps that is hostile to the thrower, the victims, ever. I just love the image of someone up in a tree throwing hornet nests at passing adventurers to cause some non-lethal but chaotic mischief.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


I enjoy these, as well:
 Maybe give goblins a throwable that has the rotten fruit effect and lowers move silently and hide by covering you in feces as well? Disgusting, but I wouldn't put it above goblins; it could work a lot like the paint one around.
Also: Giant lizard pets for kobolds, that breathe lightning.


hell of an idea.

I know the DM's aren't going to add new spells anytime soon, nevertheless, how awesome would it be as a level 4 or 5 druid spell. Some sort of ''minor'' creeping doom.

Level 4 druid
School : Conjuration
Vermin breath
1 vermin / level of druid.
Each vermin stack dies after the first hit (or miss), and deal 1d8 acid damage + random poison (Fort save scales)
AB : DC of the spell.


I love swarming ideas!
I were with Rotberries wandering the woods with my army of spiders and it was awesome.

Adding to the brainstorm... it would be great to have a spell/ability/item only usable underwater to cast fourth a shoal of angry fishes.

Close to what RWG suggested is quilfire. You might RP like that. But it would be great to have an item with such property that would be called "Bee Hive".

Just to give emphasis: go go go sand spiders! *opens her mouth and sends a swarm of spiders on everyone*


*le bump*

change sand spiders for shadow spider swarmlings