To Free the World

Started by Kinslayer988, January 26, 2017, 10:22:31 AM

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Making a post because the Covenant have been down in numbers of late.The Covenant has been a source of great fun since I have returned to EFU. The amount of exploration available in the faction is incredible. Here are some shots of what we have been up to and what to expect as a member of the faction.


Pre-Made Concepts:
  • Guardian of the Pure Mind
    • Many claim that one can only open their mind through the followings of the aberrant. Through the swelling of the mind and dedicated training. You know however that they are wrong. The mind must be free, the mind must rage, the mind must be pure. Through the ooze you have learned of the impurities of your mind, and now seek to open them to the greater powers of psionics...
  • Seer of the Prime
    • You have determined in your travels that no ordinary text shall sate your desire for knowledge and truth. To sate your desires you must seek that which has held knowledge for millenium. What primal secrets do the elders hold? What is the origin of our world and what role does the ooze play? You have sought the Covenant for these truths.
  • Harbinger of the Oozing Plague
    • From the rotting swamps or desolate streets you have seen ooze sickness take its toll among the people. For even the ooze can hold disease. You are content to use the Covenant to spread your sickness.... and perhaps with far more sinister intent seek a grip over the Elder's themselves with your disease.
  • The Elder Warlord
    • While some of your tribe's shamans sought the trees of knowledge, you followed the path of those who found knowledge in the green slimes that rose across Faerun. You have accepted that no man can survive unless they are free of civilization. Let there be no more books, no more writing, no more complexity. Let the world become simple in the primal people's hands.
  • The Dominator
    • With the renewed intelligence of the ooze the clerics of the six-fingered god are met with questions from the ooze themselves.... The ooze are only a tool be used, and you will see them remain a weapon under your thumb. Show them their rightful place as gods. Feed them your great sacrifices, gather others to worship them. For what other place does the Covenant exist if not to worship these strange beings of power?
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


This has my endorsement and definitely needs some help / fresh concepts! Being a snot-head is great!


These guys are a cool Bunch. I'd second anything involving them!


It's a pretty sweet gig you get all the slime you can eat
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1

The Crimson Magician

The Void That Binds

Bumping this, I made my character specifically to help the faction out and it has been lacking in players (not so, anymore) ... absolutely amazing!
Lots of both external and internal conflict potential.

And the revelations~!


Cool stuff is happening.

The Void That Binds

Just look at that:

At the same time, Ooze-snooze could certainly use some strong, fighter type PC's!


I don't normally like to do OOC faction recruitment stuff, but team ooze could use one or two new faces. My playtimes are infrequent and erratic so feel free to really make the faction your own and go wild with your concepts, or join in on King T't't't't't's war against everyone.

Scummy mercenaries, cultists, primitivists, lowersman thugs, or royal soldiers. Everyone's welcome.
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1


MAJOR BUMP -  Just jumped back on EFU and having a ton of fun with the faction.