Help needed with forum organizing

Started by Howlando, March 11, 2018, 04:21:43 AM

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With Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on the horizon, we want to ensure that we can provide clarity in our introduction for new players. Considering that, we would like enlist player assistance to refresh our "Information for New Players" forum with a consolidated thread and easy reference for new players.

We are looking for a thread that consolidates information of the essentials without overwhelming someone fresh to the server - basically a quick guide of what you can use to get started without needing a significant time investments digging through the minutiae of the various threads (though hyperlinks as references would be good). Consider those things that you would have found most helpful to know as a new player.

Let us know if you're interested in helping with this. Any questions, please ask.

Some assistance with organizing/pruning Information for New Players forum and improving the way we present OOC information would be really helpful!


Pictures, even?  Having a guide is only part of the solution.  But at the very least the EfU community isn't in a spiral of descending death and inevitable doom, unlike its setting =^).  So far it seems like things can be consolidated by category into this list, let me know if there's anything missing:

  • Applications.
  • Readable version of detailed rules. Conflict guidelines.
  • Pretty Colors (Dye Guide, heads?).
  • Deities and Relics.
  • Low level quest guide.
  • Time and Roleplay.
  • Contacting out of game.
  • Factions


To clarify, this wouldn't be an EFU Prima strategy guide. This would be a quick "read me first" of the "Information for New Players" forum.

Imagine you were new to EFU and/or NWN and/or EE, and had an hour or two to check out the server; what would be essential to know? Crucial character and/or hak setup or getting involved takes major precedence over understanding applications or factions, though some small FAQ or links to relevant posts would be welcome, etc.


Quote from: derflaro on March 12, 2018, 03:53:24 PM
To clarify, this wouldn't be an EFU Prima strategy guide. This would be a quick "read me first" of the "Information for New Players" forum.

Imagine you were new to EFU and/or NWN and/or EE, and had an hour or two to check out the server; what would be essential to know? Crucial character and/or hak setup or getting involved takes major precedence over understanding applications or factions, though some small FAQ or links to relevant posts would be welcome, etc.

EE is a completely different kind of connection structure, so a technical guide could be instantly obsolete as we really don't know until the release and following patches.  It's true that getting NWN and EfU to work guide combination would work for the "The New Information for New Players" concept, but I don't think mixing it up with the in-game pointers is any good.  If just logging into EfU cold as a new player worked, there wouldn't be any difficulties in retaining them.

I've found a lot of new people getting into 5E ask for application-type of requests.  A section will cut down on the noise to DMs.  As I recall a server of mostly-veterans that should know how to take care of themselves drowned the DMs in requests during a recent event so I imagine forums are relatively the same.  We must obviously must include applications.  The factions themselves are structured catalysts to getting involved and getting older players a reason to involve them, so not including them is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard of.   The guide isn't just for new players, but for also helping people dealing with them so they don't have to be overwhelmed with requests for information that could be resolved without assistance.

I hope that explains my intended design for the guide.


You're welcome to do as you like or think is appropriate, and we can consider its usage. The main focus here is a very concise, easily updated as needed, introduction and reference. See Howland's other thread for a more in-depth guide.


I'm curious what Howland thread you are talking about?  Because this one has the end goal of having a new player succeed and prosper and the post includes being taken into a faction.  Your statements here seem quite contradictory to the Howland post that I've been reading!


There's a lot of good information on the forum but needs to be fixed or restructured since moving forums.

Like the Mechanics Index has all broken links and the character Classes page 2 has massive fonts under Shifter.


I would be happy to help with editing, organizing, and formatting this week. I have about 10 hours to put towards it. Has anyone started already? If not ill just start when I get home from work tonight.

One point: I came from powerbuilds and local vaults. What's important to a player like me may not match what was important to you when you came to EFU. So I would put emphasis on things like applications; the turn over has been pretty quick. so maybe we can get new players into the habit of applying.


Quote from: Hollow_Mage on March 21, 2018, 04:43:47 PM
Has anyone started already?

The previous program for illustrating wasn't favorable so I had to switch and learn another one.  I'm figuring out the design for mine, currently how to incorporate the factions while waiting on a few things (drawpad & stylus equipment, running EC joining, etc.)  I think Wench is working on a version, although since submitting is hidden there could be more people.  Silvermoon Dervish may have also taken interest.


If people want to cooperate feel free, there can be a prize for all contributors.


Yeah I was looking to help out with this project, maybe we should make an IRC channel so we can all communicate. I'm a lot more interested in editing and organizing threads and material because there is just a ton of fluff, and I can only imagine the more that might come in. If anyone has started something and wants some more eyes and input shoot me a message via here or irc.

The end goal is we want this to be readable and condensed for new players. Can't wait to see what we can do :)
Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/


Quote from: Wench on March 21, 2018, 08:37:21 PM
Yeah I was looking to help out with this project, maybe we should make an IRC channel so we can all communicate. I'm a lot more interested in editing and organizing threads and material because there is just a ton of fluff, and I can only imagine the more that might come in. If anyone has started something and wants some more eyes and input shoot me a message via here or irc.

The end goal is we want this to be readable and condensed for new players. Can't wait to see what we can do :)

We could use the old suggested discord for this and we get voice support as well.  I might be for the better since we can be communicating hands free while working on the project.


Sweet, I'll log into that tonight and find out what my job is. Thanks for the link!