Tobur Thrallsbane, Dwarven Ooze Merc and potty-mouthed twat

Started by Silvermoon Dervish, November 05, 2017, 06:25:46 PM

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Silvermoon Dervish

No one is safe from Hoar's vengeance, not even His followers...

So, Tobur was pretty much the result of me wanting to play the polar opposite of my last PC (Saline). And what could be more different from a young girl, preaching tolerance and cooperation, being polite 99% of the time and cheerful, bubbly and kind? Why.. Tobur of course!

It was cool being a part of the Covenant and living (and dying for!) the Intents his own way, ensuring an Aasimar recovered her blood right, protecting fringe sorcerers and of course, starting shit in the Square with the squidfeckers. It was extra nice to have joined an adventuring concept that was focused on adventuring first, and conflict coming from outside sources. Big kudos to all I got to interact with, rivals and friends alike. I don't mind it ending when it did, as things were becoming a bit stale.

Now, some screenshots!

Life lessons with one of the kids

Leading poets down duskened paths...

An attempt at improving the lot of the slumdwelling masses was made..

My crowning moment.. and some dirt eating too

Frailty, thy name be dwarf

Broken pick doctrine

Heart to heart with the kids

An anarchist's best friend...


Great PC man, I much enjoyed seeing him evolve.

Edit: Also, fun journal.


His path was a wild one to see his growth.

A few action shots and his epic standoff in the Watch House with alchemist fire kegs.



<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


zDark Shadowz

Another true dwarf of dwarfyland gone.

I enjoyed that SS of the whispered conversation in the Blue Mushroom.