New EFU Installer

Started by Howlando, July 09, 2017, 11:08:02 AM

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I don't quite like the EFU launcher/installer as it is now (I think it's a bit unfriendly for new players), so Arc was kind enough to develop a new version.!1cl3SIgT!lnRsi-oaiS7P1D95LdAlzUO79ZefWzf7WYEcfA7Ew6s

I haven't had time to test it much personally, but feel free to use it and if it's generally agreed that it is much nicer we'll make it official.

And thank you very much Arc!


That link doesn't work.



On a brief break, but please contact me with any bugs you run into asap. Use is easy, just select your Nwn folder (the folder containing nwmain.exe), and press go. In tests, it works perfectly on all tested Windows OS as well as WINE.