WaW Favour Armors

Started by zDark Shadowz, June 27, 2017, 05:12:53 AM

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zDark Shadowz

Playing as Cyrus Sere'nen, I currently have 16 Watcher and Warder Armory Favor points, however the option to purchase the 15 favour required "Permanent" range of Armours in the Sanctuary -  Upper - Watchhouse area is not available in the dialogue for selection.

I do not have any "Spin" type favours, but it appears the options for purchasing the temporary suits which require Spins is showing up even though I have no Spins.


"Spins" refer to the fact that you take each suit out for one "spin," or one reset.

Big Cook

Perma-suits were also changed to 50 favour recently, but the mannequin wasn't renamed. No bug, just an omission.


As mentioned in another bug, the mannequin names were adjusted to represent the actual favour needed.