Continual Flame for Positivists

Started by sharkinajar, March 24, 2017, 05:50:30 AM

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Since cotinual flame is like light but longer, it would be neat to get their own spin on it!

Slow regen (2hp/3rounds) on target for 1 turn / level
Con mod / 3 rounds regen for 1 turn / level
Con mod / 2 rounds for 1 turn / con mod
(heal mod / 10) / round regen for 1 turn / con mod

Last one's my favorite as it's more based around growing your primary stats and a combination of light and combust.

zDark Shadowz

I'm all up for more influential positivist spells (biased because I am LOVING playing my one at the moment, drooling over it so much).

It'd have to be considerably longer I think for it to be any good, and smaller. Already plenty of burst healing spells to take instead, and continual flame sits on the same spell level as such things as Combust, Invisibility, Ghostly Visage, basic transmutations, Summon II and Flame Weapon. It would need to be significantly different from what's available anywhere else to warrant it being chosen over a spell level that already has a lot of competition. I think it could be this instead:

+1 Regen every second round for Hour/Level. Or maybe for Heal Skill/5 turns per level.

This suggestion would put it in line with Continual Flames' current burning duration when cast upon a hostile foe by a regular spellcaster.

(this is the text for the current Continual Flame spell addition which I haven't seen used yet IG.)

The hostile target rolls a fortitude save against fire, SF and GSF evocation increase DC normally. If the target fails the save, it gets caught in a long lasting flame that deals 1 fire damage every second round. The duration is 1 hour / level. The spell can be removed by two ways before the duration ends: getting fully submerged in water (entering an underwater area) or be dispelled. Both ways instantly remove the effect. When a PC hits 0 HP or gets subdued, the spell ends. Be advised that there is no icon to show the effect on your PC.

Playing as a positivist, I only have a heal skill of a 15 or a little over 15. Its kind of low because I prefer to wear an item that allows another casting of Burning Hands or Combust than invest in heal skill point equipment.

Applying the continual flame as a +1 regen buff is how I'd see it operating.


The reason I didn't put it as just a flat +1 is because I think it should take the positivist's main stats into consideration, just like all the other spells do. I think even (heal/10 hp)/ 2 rounds for 1 turn or hour per level would be good.

Heal/5 would be way too much, however. I personally have 30 healskill, and could easily bring that to 36 as I'm not wearing all healstuff.