Character seems bugged

Started by Vendayan, September 29, 2013, 10:22:44 PM

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Charles Vineyard seems to be suffering from something aweful.

I created the character once but he was inappropriately built.  I needed to change his deity.  I created a new character with the same name.

It briefly mentioned something in the starting OOC area about retiring the character due to "security issues".  I was able to play the character normally however.

The next time I played, I was back in retirement OOC area.  A DM needed to unretire the character as neither of us could determine exactly what had happened.

At the time I turned L3, I realized that the server had stripped me of all my EFUSS points.  I had 4 to spend and none spent.  A DM did a reset on this and everything seemed fine.

I later logged in again, and the server had forced me back to the OOC starting area.  A DM had to teleport the character back the the hall of heroes.

Later, (during the illusion part2 bug mentioned in another thread) my character died and the system would not allow me to respawn.  The DM at the time mentioned that it was behaving as though the character was from the surface.


If you used the exact same name again on the same account it can cause some issues. Did you alter the name any when you remade?
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Yeah using the same name screws everything up and is not recommended.  More specifically, never repeat a character name.  Even on separate accounts.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


What you can do, however, is spaces. For example the first name is "John " and the second name is "Doe". See the space after the n? John   Doe vs John Doe. It is hardly noticeable, but it is a working alternative. Don't go overboard though with spaces. One extra is sorta the limit before it becomes uncomfortably noticeable.