Make Information in House of Knowledge/Broken Presentation Quest More Accessible

Started by Caster13, September 27, 2013, 02:39:58 PM

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I sort of feel bad making this suggestion, the House of Knowledge/Broken Presentation quest is rather amazing and clearly a good amount of time and effort went into making it.

However, I think it would be beneficial to everyone if the lore/information provided in this quest is more accessible. A lot more accessible. As in, not having to worry about quest level/group size restrictions and not having to fight through so many (or any) monsters and not having to worry about impatient quest-companions -accessible.

The lore presented in this quest seems like real common and general knowledge that anyone could get by asking a random commoner NPC on the streets of Sanctuary. It's critical to how a PC forms their perspective and view of Sanctuary. It's very much comparable to the information the new PCs arriving in Mistlocke got when they took a nap in the misty sarcophagus.

There's a couple of ways this could happen, I suppose:

A) Adjust the quest so it can be taken by 1 person.

B) Duplicate the information in other parts of the House of Knowledge

C) Remove the quest and monsters so it's just a regular area


As far as I'm aware it is a one person quest right now.


Is it? Whoops! My mistake then. I guess this suggestion just became very silly then!

The Band Played On

I wouldn't say that. The information is level limited. Playing a scholarly sort of PC I often refer back to lore I've seen before to suss out details. Unfortunately, that particular story told that particular way isn't something I can go back and check on to see how it compares to other versions of the story.

Honestly, (though understandably not a priority) I'd like to see a bit more books and whatnot added into the library in general. There's some nice PC written things that are only seen on the forums. And while it's great that it's there from the standpoint of being able to refer to it, there's nothing quite like seeing PC writings actually ingame to get players off doing more writing on their own.


Oh, maybe copying and pasting the info in the quest into a forum post is also a possibility.