The Minions of Mur

Started by MineralRichToil, March 06, 2018, 01:24:25 AM

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The Minions of Mur!

The server is undergoing some epic changes to the layout of the region and the dark lake will never be the same again. Baron Ormulax is dead, Magnatz controls Mur, and has passed the lordship for the fortress to his pal Ragnur. There's plenty of opportunities for players to get in on what's going on around Mur and a lot to do. The area's barren, in disrepair after the siege, and lacking even the most basic defenders which has scared away it's usual flow of trade. This is a great time to jump in on the rebuilding of Mur and become a part of what could eventually be one of the great powers of the Dark Lake. Here's some of the groups currently invested in the Mur situation:

Quote from: The Dwarves of MurThe Dwarves of Mur: Since the death of the Baron Mur is supposed to be an open haven for dwarves of all subsets even the gray. Since the loss of the holds of the surface, the silence of the Morndinsamman pantheon Mur has been conquered in an attempt to inspire and support a new breed of dwarves. Dwarves who have seen the survival of Laduguer and the deurgar holds as a sign of strength, and make attempts to bridge the divide between surface dwarves and deurgar, maybe even to emulate their dark cousins. With an emphasis on putting aside the feuds and weaknesses that caused the loss of the dwarven surface holdings it's a great opportunity for wanna-be deurgar, and sleezy non-traditional dwarves of all kinds.

Quote from: The Emerald Axe Goblin TribeThe Emerald Axe Goblin Tribe: With the conquest of Mur the longtime supporters and minions of Magnatz, the Emerald Axe Goblins, have been commanded by Magnatz to support and defend the fortress Mur. The tribe is a large coalition of monstrous races with the most numerous being goblins, but including hobgoblins, and even ogres. The large force of monsters have set up camp inside the walls of Mur and have a great deal of in-game support including a lair.

Quote from: Mercenary ScumMercenary Scum: With the battle against Baron Ormulax over there's plenty of opportunity to make your own scummy mercenary who's now left the war-camp of Magnatz and has joined the new Mur bandwagon after noticing that the legendary mercenary champion, Dirzag the Iron Halberd, has taken up a post at the fortress. Though in the humble beginning stages of repair fortress Mur was once the premier trade hub for this half of the dark lake, controlling the flow of goods for the region making their way to Sanctuary, and like Dirzag many crafty mercenaries might make it their business to get in early and claim a cushy high paying position when Mur returns to prominence.

Quote from: Ambassadors of the LakeAmbassadors of the Lake: With the death of Ormulax, a greedy and often hostile tyrant, the opportunity to secure powerful trade ties for the various civilizations along the Dark Lake have become possible. It isn't unlikely that any of the monstrous races inhabiting islands, or the cities on the shores of the Dark Lake might send emissaries to secure favorable trade deals and the favor of Magnatz and the new inhabitants of Fort Mur.

Just a few of the ideas already in game or I could come up with off the top of my head. Anyone who enjoys a challenge and building up something in the server from nothing might have a good deal of fun with the current situation. There's a lot of opportunity to do some big things right now and I'd welcome anyone who's interested to be a part of it.
08:30   <Kotenku>: then i guess im hitler

zDark Shadowz

Put a dwarf lair in the pit? Then you have NPCs and maintenance & resource tracking. Or just on top but to the side as a secondary chamber.

I'd help with the lair development for a fee, of course :P other people may too.

Actually, a scum lair would work too as a tavern, and other lairs all nestled in to make a new town-like community in a way that's natural - digging your place straight down. I'd talked with Wench about this kind of idea before but, this seems like a good opportunity.


The Plot is still going strong, and still plenty of opportunities for players to jump in at any point... Now including a new group

Join us at #Magnatz if you have any questions or interested!

The Goblin Leper Legion!

[hide= The Goblin Leper Legion]

"The Goblin Leper Legion": During one the Thane of Vein's Ragnur Silverbeard and Axe Chief Rayguk the Goblin's expeditions to recruit new Allies to the cause of Magnatz the Red a plan was formed to press-gang the Lepers of Goblin Island into their armies. With one of the Twelve Leper Princes, proven to be a False Leper, slain in ritual combat by the Hill Goblin Chief the old law was overturned. Goblin Lepers no longer were forced to head to Goblin Leper Island, but to serve at the newly conquered Fortress Mur.  Conscripted to walk the walls of the Fort and patrol its lands some Lepers may see this as a new opportunity.  Goblin Leprosy strikes all different types of goblins, from fallen warriors, to disgraced shamans. While no cure is yet known the Blood Magics of Magnatz the Red are fearsome indeed and a favored Legionnaire may find a cure to their suffering. Though a cure may not be found, some may find comfort in acquiring great wealth or power by exploring the Underdark they once exiled themselves from, spending their final days gloriously.[/hide]
