Bounty on PCs

Started by tala_kai, September 29, 2013, 09:31:43 AM

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Hello hello

well, as much as my current PC will hate that idea, the amount of criminals/bounties on PCs wanted by the watchers is really starting to grow.

Maybe it is possible to put next to the bounties board next to the spell beggars lane another sign, with all the wanted PCs as well (and if they have, a bounty), along with any important NPC wanted by the watchers?

what do you think? :D


Unfortunately folks with bounties on them don't last too long- not long enough for the effort required for editing the module. That said, if you last long enough and cause enough trouble, bounty boards for you character can show up IG
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "