Ascetic and RSD: Ability to block others' herbs

Started by Cruzel, September 06, 2016, 04:26:43 AM

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A "/c herbs -block // /c herbs -unblock "command would be FANTASTIC to stop other players' herbs from effecting the PC.
  ​This is utter death for both RSD and Ascetics, when some high heal PC hits you with herbs that are less effective (in terms of HP/round) than yours, preventing you from healing yourself for 10-40 rounds.  I have died sseveral times to this on my RSD, to the point I straight up throw death threats at PCs who try and heal me between fights on quests.
  However, on bigger/chaotic invasions or Dm events  you have tons of random players crawling out of the woodwork, and a "hey fuck off with your herbs" shout does little good when you're surrounded by enemy NPCs and on your way to the fugue because you can't heal.  Not can you exactly get up and fight the person (as an RSD, I don't know if ascetic has this problem?) your bonuses are gone after respawning and you need to leave and rest, to get them back, preventing any actual conflict/fighting over the persons's idiocy at the time.  It's super counterproductive and a scenario that IMO shouldn't exist in the first place.  A PC can stop magic from dudes he can't even see because they "reject" it, but they can't stop someone from taking the time to slowly apply medicines?


Maybe instead of just RSD/Ascetics, we can have a player tool or switch or player characters to reject any healing kits (or other types of healy-helpers like Antitoxins or Salutary Tonics if those have any impact) - that way it's just a hard flood gate you can turn on or off at your leisure.


Another option would be to just make your own herbs always remove and replace any other herbs applied to you.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Herbs and antitoxins are single use items. Having a chat command blocking them wastes the items themselves. Situations may also occur where their usage would save your life but you either forgot to remove the block or was not quick enough. Overriding it may cause other problems, I believe the ticker block there is to prevent duplications.

Really, I see this as a problem you guys can easily solve yourself. If you don't want people sacrificing supplies to save your hide, stop being a friendly character.


I must agree with Talir here. Looking at it, I rather see this solved in game. If someone goes against your wishes, over and over again, try to act on it somehow.


It seems a little far fetched to be creating "in game solutions", as in resorting to PVP, because someone applied a bandage to you because of OOC system designs resulting in not being able to apply bandages or medicine with your superior skill until theirs wear off. There is very little way to interpret this as a hostile action and resorting to IC conflict over it. Realistically you should be able to remove a bandage and apply your own.

I really don't think it is wise to encourage players to resort to PVP over something which is very clearly just a side effect of a system design and not something that can be easily explained ICly.

What if it resulted in a murder....and had to go to a trial? How do you even begin to explain that in a way that makes sense? "HE PUT A BANDAGE ON ME WHEN I WAS BLEEDING" "Oh well then, obviously self defense case closed."
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


The key thing here is solving things in-game instead of asking for script support because "I do not like this happening, please make....". Locking this thread as this is not happening and further posts are likely just going to go downhill.