Do not remove Efuss points on death.

Started by Zango_Unchained, September 21, 2013, 11:08:05 PM

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As the title implies I think that removing that Efuss resets on death would be a useful and viable addition to help ease when someone dies. Because at the moment all it does is people forget they lost all their points placed and causes them to fail climbing checks or engineers to fail work checks, or others to fail the same such checks. When in all honesty Efuss is like normal skills they shouldn't rise and fall with deaths as they have a set ceiling of ten which can be achieved at level 1 and are not a "Get better over time and continue to get better" situation as many other skills are. You gain point per level yes, but perhaps these should be like rogue perks even if you die, you still keep your progression. I would look at this as a "QOL" (Quality of life) improvement to efu.

Just my two cents.


I disagree, but I enjoy being able to change point placement if my character's direction should shift based on their actions, should they die.
For instance, if they end up swimming or climbing a lot more than I thought at the start, losing a level allows me to change this, much like if I took a feat that didn't make enough sense, or a skill change much the same.
 I suppose if there was a reset efusl skill command, then my counter to your suggestion is unnecessary.


Well, its annoying to apply them again, sure, but it's hardly a problem.

A 'reset efuss skill points tool' like Bearic suggests would be nice, but it could likely be abused. If it could be restricted in some way I would love it however.


It takes 5 seconds to restore your EFUSS points.  Not forgetting to do so is the players concern, not the administrations, imo.

Also, being able to reset your EFUSS points could be very abused unless extremely limited.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Quote from: Pup;355291It takes 5 seconds to restore your EFUSS points.  Not forgetting to do so is the players concern, not the administrations, imo.

Also, being able to reset your EFUSS points could be very abused unless extremely limited.

EFUSS can be reset by dying, Right now.

I appreciate this suggestion quite a bit. I'll rephrase it slightly.

The suggestion is that EFUSS points earned are permanent, and more are only added by achieving a new high level for the character. So a level 9 character with 18 efuss points, keeps all 18 even if they die to level 6, but only gain the next +2 when they hit level 10.[INDENT]PROS
  • A painful death, or series of deaths wont remove entire skills from your efuss list that you may have been using or role-playing significantly prior that death.
  • efuss would be more suitable for minor flavorful additions at rank 5 and 10 of most skills that would increase character customization over the all powerful CLIMB.
  • No more trying to remember to re-assign your efuss points after a death.
  • Less likely that characters will bank efuss points for convenient mastery of dm or scripted quests, and no longer will that death reward this behavior by resetting the entire expenditure.
  • You can no longer change your mind about what efuss skills best represent your particular character's flavor.
  • Efuss would need script changes
[/INDENT]Point Two under Pros is rather important to consider anyway. Efuss is mostly flavor, but some of them are so heavily scripted into efu that that selecting them grants significant power over other selections. In another suggestion later, I'll make a case for and list potential minor boons that create incentive to choose the flavor skills over the sweet boons some currently receive.

P.S. Tangent.

...I also dislike that non-humans receive one less efuss point then humans do, as humans boon of +1 more skill point is already massive. It tends to de-flavor subhumans.


I have been killed in a DM event before and when I returned I needed my persuade EFUSS skills plus my persuade skill bonuses from a perk. Both would need to be restored, but I was subdued and could not access the crafting menu and neither I would remember of them in the middle of the stress. I rolled low, something my PC would not usually and this was one of the few chances I got to show through saves her powers in the matter.

Indeed, to make this automatic would be nice.


I'm not for this. Just like dying and XP lost represents a loss in skill/etc, EFUSS is much the same. If the main argument for this is, "I sometimes forget to reassign them," then it's sort of on you.

I like being able to choose new skills if/when I die.


Quote from: Inquisitor;355377I like being able to choose new skills if/when I die.

The two main arguments are that this in fact is exploitative, since by not assigning ANY skills you can conveniently change your entire efuss point spread with a single death, allowing you to completely reinvent yourself at any given level.

The second point is that by due to deaths you can forget an entire skill. This is NOT like skills on levelup where all of them raise gradually, these are increased by 5 and 10 point intervals, as those are (nearly) the only intervals that receive a bonus. Its like deciding to learn to play an instrument IG for RP, pick up the preform efuss skill (which does nothing for you) getting killed once, and if you cannot relevel you have forgotten this RP skill. This matters especially when people are USING these skills say in a preformance over the next few days.


The first argument can be applied to PCs who go fighter/rogue, save up 10 SP and then throw them all into Tumble/UMD when they take a second level of rogue at level 6 or 7. They're essentially doing the same thing but I havent seen any sort of uproar about that nonsense (And really, it's likely something we've all done).

The second argument makes sense, but it basically boils down to the player having to remember what they put points into- and that they died. They can choose to raise the skill gradually, to reflect IC knowledge/learning or they can go "lol 0 to 10 in rocket science!" just so they can be the best right away.


Saving skill points for a multiclass level is explicitly against the rules... Just pointing that out.

Also, I've seen enough DMs crack jokes about people becoming rocket scientists the moment it's relevant that it's obviously a common occurrence.

A lot of people learn who their character is as they play, so saving efuss points at the beginning is extremely normal. Especially if they intend to RP the growth of that skill ICly, why? Because you get your first 5 levels reeeealy fast, and many don't settle into a character that quickly. Nothing wrong with that, nor is spending them in chunks once you know.

Treating them like a permanent perk allows you to bank those efuss until you're applying them to your role-play, but doesn't allow you to change your mind after--which creates an incentive to choose wisely and when you're certain. Which is a good thing, because:

QuoteI like being able to choose new skills if/when I die.
This behavior promotes whimsical short-term rocket scientists.


I actually spend my points as I get them and by a few at a time.