Some Ascension Cult Suggestions

Started by Knight Of Pentacles, March 22, 2016, 04:11:22 AM

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Knight Of Pentacles

Make the cloak into a light theme summoning tome.

Graffiti: An item similar to a sign though is an invisible placeable instead.  


Somewhat off-topic, but a graffiti player tool seems like it'd be a great rogue perk.

I agree that their cloak could use something.. more to it.


This is comparatively uninspired, but I suggest an increased availability of cloak modifications. The current one-off purchases are ill-equipped to support a large association (should the Ascension ever become one). There are already limits to how many can be applied anyway.

You might also consider adding FREDERICK BRESLEY MASKS to Cripple Jim's store, relics from the bygone darks of the Workmill Revolution.

Yellow paint bombs would also be highly appropriate.

And the ability to dismantle Dunwarren technology at that worktable in the "library," for favor points or experience or even reverse engineering. Free men have to get their grenades somehow, eh? Suicide vests! Perhaps greater, heavier explosives that could be used only with DM supervision...


How about a bounty system for the Ascension, similar to the Watchers and Society ones?  Who does the Ascension go after?
*Slavers of many races
*Murder bandits and Duergar
*Some minor Dread forces

How would it work?  Pretty much the same as the Watchers or Society bounties.  Periodically monsters spawn of those descriptions using the same system for Society bounties, tweaked and retooled a bit. I assume they are still in the module?

Since the Ascension has limited resources, perhaps supplies are given instead of gold?


There was a suggestion of a Chosen bounty being added to lower a long time ago, with the activity of the chosen supposedly increasing I could totally see this system being implemented in the cathedral.


"Slaver" bounties would be very interesting and thematic.

And potentially collected by those outside the Ascension faction. The bounty could go out as an unauthorized sending.


I see absolutely no reason others can't collect it.  Indeed they can!  If they want to risk being caught dealing with Ascensionists!  A way to help drag people into the cult war.


The rothe caravan/animatronic cargo delivery things could serve as a bounty of sorts- maybe an item: 'bundled supplies' or something similar that could be looted either from the PC/NPC responsible and turned in at the Cathedral for gold/favor/etc.


If there would be another bounty, I'd much rather see it for all of Lower, rather than just one of the cults.

Apocryphal Misconceptions

Something about lower based bounties feels off. Being that it's a gutter and all.

If there's room for a bounty system in lower, it would make a lot more sense if the Hoarans presided over them. They're far more invested in going after those that break rules.



Give them an npc to turn stolen goods to.

Knight Of Pentacles

Turning in gems, jewelry, and machine parts in exchange for small amounts of XP up till a certain level.


Add the original Watcher duty plate, with a gray color scheme, to the faction shop.

Perhaps make Watcher mail a prospective choice in Lower Start equipment.

Knight Of Pentacles

Barrel that dyes clothes ridiculous colors and marks them as plot.  This is to provide the cult with an alternative to robbery, kidnapping, fd, etc...