Paladin of a Dead God still able to use abilities

Started by MalkavianMilkBalls, August 17, 2013, 11:29:06 PM

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My pc name is Jdarkner, my character's name is Rileia Neren. She is a paladin of Corellon Larethian. I read the post about dead or silent gods, and it mentioned spells, but not things like spell-like abilities or class features so I didn't think it was odd that I could still lay hands or detect evil. Then a dm mentions that I shouldn't be able to do that as they scripted to prevent it. So in any case I thought I should report it.

Additional details of note: During character creation I set her deity as Angharradh, but when I went to the deity configurer to check that it was valid it said it wasn't so I switched it to Corellon.