Missing dialogue on Illameteri (sp?) Priest in Spellbeggar lane

Started by efuincarnate, April 26, 2016, 10:39:34 PM

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PC Azgal Skali.  Got level drained by random Mob specter encounter in a random generated  area.   I was with Devin Warder.  We went to Spellbeggars lane in Upper, and tried all the priests.  None gave the option to have necromantic energies removed, when I triggered the dialogues.  When Devin tried, who was NOT level drained, he got the dialogue to have it cured.  Maybe the priest just dislikes dwarfs, but seems like some kind of bug?  The only NPC that can cure level drain..cannot? Moreso that Devin was able to get the conversation.  We tried this several times, with the exact same result, he got the dialogue and I did not. I only got the options for disease, poison or heal. He got the other one as well, every time we tried.


Did you have 200 gold?


There is definitely one NPC who will do it (in Lower). But it costs 400gp.

Try having like 500'ish gold on you when you go to talk to a given priest. Some of them charge more than others for the same spell.


Ahh..I did not have that coin on me! That must be the trigger for the dialogue..had like 100..Thanks!  This clears it up!