Some stuff

Started by Hound, March 08, 2016, 09:36:34 PM

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Since this has been mentioned to me on three occasions now, I'm starting to get quite bothered by it, so at the risk of sounding like a drama queen I just wanna quickly call out something. I've been told a few times now that there are some people on here who have bad opinions of me, for one reason or another. If I've insulted or upset you or something, its because I thought I was chummy enough with you for you not to take it seriously and know I'm just joking. Most of my humour is meant to be self-deprecatingly ironic, so if people have taken that the wrong way then I apologise. The last thing I wanna do is play with some dark cloud over my head worrying that I'm pissing people I'm playing with off with my presence since I'm pretty sensitive to shit like that. So please if there is something you're not happy with about me, just let me know and I'll apologise/fix it. I don't bite, I'm actually very non-confrontational when I'm not messing around. I feel a massive knob for even writing this but I don't know who is unhappy so I don't know who to address in private channels. Please just shoot me a PM on IRC, whoever you are. Thanks