Saveable hostile/setally lists

Started by The Old Hack, November 05, 2015, 01:33:58 AM

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The Old Hack

I apologise if this is something impossible to script, but...

Would it be possible to make some sort of saveable hostile or setally lists? Kind of like the spellbook saves for wizards, only applying the /c hostile or /c setally command to everyone on the list? It would be helpful for PvP-heavy times/characters.


I would at least like it if you could look at your list of setally names.

Sometimes you set people to ally for a short time with no desire for them to be exempt from /c hostile all longterm, but you forget to remove them.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]



I promise to look into this...


As of next reset,

Hostiling PC will use partial names like SetAlly.

SetAlly List should list your allies.
SetAlly Clear should clear your list of all allies.



Amazing. Thank you very much!