Sir Donald Thurcaston, the Bastard Made Whole (Don Throgg)

Started by Ryan, November 02, 2015, 01:49:54 AM

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QuoteDon Throgg (Ryan)

This character was created on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 at 06:43:30 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 208 times.
The character has spent 11 days, 5 hours, 26 minutes, and 34 seconds online.

I made Don Throgg with the intention of him being a politician, with an eye towards eventually claiming a Director's seat. That didn't really stick, as you can probably tell - I made him a year ago, but the vast majority of my play time with him has been only in recent months, following a lengthy hiatus from EFU. I came back to him cause I didn't really want to bother scraping my way up to a decent level with a brand new character... and was pretty directionless until I found the Knights of the Golden Chalice.

They were a great, wonderfully dynamic faction with an awesome DM heading up our plots and a myriad of fun people to play with. Pentaxius, blue41, Magister, and Samophlange were the best knightly brethren a guy could ask for. They're great, and I can't wait to see what all of them do next.

Anyway, about Don: like many half-orcs, he struggled with hate. Worse yet, he was a lot smarter than your average orcblood, which made the jibes all the more difficult to bear. I would have handled it differently as a politician, but I'm glad for the opportunity the Knights gave me to portray a man tortured by his lust for recognition. His goal was very simple, yet achingly difficult to achieve: become a knight. While he often had the support of his brethren, he was always stymied by prejudice, the most cutting of which was portrayed through Pentaxius' awesome Albrecht Vauclair.

This all led to a bunch of great interactions with the other knights as Don struggled with depression, pride, and fleeting moments of elation, all tempered by the struggles of the Chalice's wider mission to bring virtue to a cynical society. Don could be really draining to play, considering the dark depths of emotion I had to explore with him, but I think it was worth it.

Anyway, I'll let the screenshots tell the rest of the story, in what small keyholes they offer.

[hide="Throgg started as the squire of Randolf Gavrilov... he endured a lot of indignities."]

Throgg was occasionally Darth Vader

Gavrilov could be a most delicious knight to serve under.

Despite often hating Vauclair's guts, Throgg had a real respect for the man, and defended him in public whenever he could.


[hide="And then there were the various adventures of the Chalice, from plumbing the secret depths of loathsome Cape Harrowden, to undoing the capricious whims of a djinni..."]

Cape Harrowden

The Djinni

Random adventures


[hide="And of course, there were the ultimate trials of the Golden Chalice... a mission to Hell itself..."]

It started with a vision.

The Dukes of Hell block the Chalice's way.

An avatar of conniving waits at the end.


[hide="Before the final, tragic conclusion of the Chalice's holy mission, a spot of hope emerged for Don."]


[hide="Treachery, and a bitter end."]




Not sure what I'll play next, so if you're looking for help on a concept, lemme know! See you around.

Spiffy Has

Knight Of Pentacles

aye plus

go on high drillmaster dong throb


Rest in peperony, maybe we'll see a blackguard DonThrogg NPC in the near future.


Don Throgg had one hell of a journey, Ryan. Good stuff.

The Old Hack

Really wonderful character. I loved interacting with him on both Thyme and Amber. Well done. :)


I didn't interact with Don Throgg much, but that is one hell of an obit.  Nicely done.

The Samophlange

You did the best job of tackling half-orc roleplay I've seen so far in a PW. The struggle between both sets of blood was real, and he gave the impression of a pot close to boiling over that was only stopped by sheer force of will. Damn good job, man.


I didn't get to interact with Throgg until the end of his 'career' on EFU. Can't say enough about how impressed I am from even that little of exposure, Ryan. Great job, man.


Oh did I ever have fun with Throgg! Well played Ryan.

Bouquet of Roses

Both I and Amber Warrens thoroughly enjoyed the company of Don Throgg. She would've probably also kept calling him by "Mister Throgg" just to annoy certain people.

Well done, as always. I hope you have as much fun (Or more!) on your next.