What I like about You!

Started by dragonfire9000, September 09, 2008, 01:50:29 PM

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I think there was a thread named this or something similar for the old server. However, I think we need a new one! Let's hear some things that you guys really like, appreciate, find cool, find dangerously sexy, or anything else you think fits the bill, about our new server!

The atmosphere: I love it! You log in, create your character, and from the very beginning you just feel like you've been thrown straight out of your comfort zone and into something you've never seen before! You're completely confused, your mind is racing, you don't know where anything is, and that's exactly how it should be. Well done, especially with the liberal use of mist. :D


I just want to point out that of course we like to get praise, but we appreciate well founded and well argued criticism just as much. If we don't know what we're doing wrong, we'll never be able to make it right. Maybe we'll make a conscious decision to not make it right, but then at least that's settled.
Carry on.


I havn't gotten to see much of the new part of the server yet, but so far it's  mysterious, and interesting. I like how it's kinda blank right now, ready to be moved into by the PCs with new ideas!!

Exploration is gonna be a blast, the only problem is that I have no idea where to go, or maybe I havn't had the time to search properly.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


I like the level playing field.  I was a late comer to EFU, and well those that had been around knew soooo much more than I did.  I just felt like no matter what I did I would never catch up.

Now we are all in the same boat (so to speak) all of us trying to learn and figure things out as we go.  I feel like I can now actually have an effect on the world, before I didn't think I could.

Nice work guys.

(yes I was one of the ones not happy with the initial move...but hey we can all change our minds right?)