Infuser Orb Charges

Started by Charnelist, September 23, 2015, 11:37:02 AM

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 - do not seem to be replenishable after the orb has been used.
To clarify, the orb CAN be recharged initially. Once a PC uses the orb in any way, it does not collect charges afterwards. It gives the status message when jolted that it regains charge, but fails to regain any charge. I have also noted that upon examining the orb, the amount of charges seem to increase - but no more actual uses of the abilities are gained.
This appears to be reset by resting.

Alternatively (And I have NO idea what makes the difference between the bug manifesting like this or like I mentioned above), the charges will replenish normally but certain uses will remain unavailable. Specifically I have observed the Sphere use remain unavailable, even with 9 charges (and 3 lightning available, 9 jolts available).
There may be more to it than this, but this is what I've observed so far. :)

PC: Emil Stormpiercer


Quirks of the system you have to work around. Resting in a lot of cases seems to help.