Remove incorrect quest labels

Started by VanillaPudding, July 16, 2013, 05:34:03 AM

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Some receivers of the low level quests are labeled as having a quest in their description. This kind of goes against the whole point of them having that ooc label and is somewhat misdirecting to anyone "new" to the setting. Only those that offer the quest should have such labels in their ooc description.


Well at the same time it does help to know who to turn it to. Sometimes the quest description might not specify or you could have forgotten a name or profession mentioned. Alternatively it could be done with the quest description in a different color, or in the description state that it is a quest receiver (opposed to quest provider). This is a lot of work though to go through all the npcs and most people do figure it out fairly quickly with trial and error, but new people to efu could understandably have issue.



Well without re-writing the quest system altogether this is a bit complicated, however I will add [Receives Quest Only] on some of the more common quest receiver NPCs. Feel free to suggest more if you note players getting confused...