Controversial? Getting out of the Underdark

Started by Elf999, September 08, 2008, 10:24:57 PM

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Yeah I just meant to say its intended that you take a crack at the Way, or create a new PC. No free pass, as per the initial suggestion!


Thanks DM's, although a bit dissappointed, that answers the question.


Quote from: Helge;85588From IG point of view first group that made it should have cleared the Way.

Not that the Way is now piece of cake. Corpses should attract carrion eaters, caves freed from big predators would be reclaimed by smaller ones in time, etc.

But now it looks like "We would gladly drop hellball on your group but have no time for this, so go kill yourself in our impossible scripted quest".
Isn't this reasonable?

Yes, escaping to the surface should be hard and all, but I have a problem: my once lvl 8 main, due to a crash, is now lvl 5 and has nothing but a helm and a dirty breastplate. I couldn't log in for the last days and don't know how things are in the Underdark area, but I don't think there is any way he could get enough gear from other players to have a minimal chance of succeeding, seeing how they need everything they have pretty badly themselves. So my former lvl 8 char, who before the crash could perfectly attempt to escape with some possibilites of succeeding, can't anymore because he "crashed".

So my suggestion is: seeing how many people won't be able to bring their chars to the new world, what about dm quests involving escaped characters going back to save those that still remain?


If escaped PCs (and even PCs that were made and leveled on the surface) want to try to go down the Way, they can organize and execute that plan without a DM.

The Way is kind of like EFU/A's first raid dungeon.


QuoteFrom IG point of view first group that made it should have cleared the Way.

Not that the Way is now piece of cake. Corpses should attract carrion eaters, caves freed from big predators would be reclaimed by smaller ones in time, etc.

But now it looks like "We would gladly drop hellball on your group but have no time for this, so go kill yourself in our impossible scripted quest".

Check your assumptions, everything makes perfect IC sense I assure you.


I don't really know what to think of this idea, really.

On one hand, if the Way had been cleared of the guardians, the whole camp would've been following the hour after, unless it takes a week IG to travel the way (which is quite possible). But perhaps we are assuming that the Way is just another questing area with creatures that respawn 'on enter', when maybe it isn't. I also get that feeling that the Way is some kind of disguised vault wipe, and that can be frustrating. I'd prefer a clear: we all start again, i suppose, and not linger on some hope that a pc i enjoy can still make it when deep down i'm pretty sure he can't. It's also very frustrating to miss out on groups making the attempt, like it will obviously happen for many.

On the other hand, EfU has given us 3 years to escape, and few have made it. Doing so now freely for all our characters in our vaults would seem a bit pointless. As much as i'd love Dalman to escape (and i've got one or two idea, actually), i'd feel pretty low having a lvl 10 pc fresh up in the new setting having done nothing to earn it. I'd also betting on the fact that the DM team as other things in mind than making the Way only accessible to higher lvl teams: perhaps there's more yet to discover (perhaps not and i'm deluding myself). DMs have always made thing ver fair for everyone of every lvl till now, i don't see that changing. But fair doesn't mean easier.

I'm also guessing that in the euphoria of the change, we are forgetting basic rp. Ex: Dalman would never go out on the hardest challenge ever met without folks he's sure about, so i guess he'll never go at all unless he's spend all his coins on wands (he he...). Eron would never abandon refugees down, so that's settled anyway. On the other hand i've more desperate pcs that have died right behind the portal. If little Tiger gets to the camp, he'll try the portal first thing as the pinnacle of a hunt. Whatever, each remaining PC should have an IC reason to go or not to go, and not just us saying 'i'd like to save my pc because ....' (although, hells, i'd really like to).

Basically, i'd advertise patience, because things have a way of settling IC on this server. If you've folks locked up in the underdark, log them on once in a while, so we can deal IC with the issue (cf. posts to find food, etc.) Perhaps in time there'll be some kind of rescue team. Perhaps we'll be wiped out by the Chosen or the Umbers that spawn right by the entrance. Whatever.

I'm also guessing the ways out of the underdark (remember: the MAIN PLOT of EfU) are still there somewhere. I'm not sure many of us have really given it serious attention, enjoying staying in the underdark. It'll only be a bit harder because our base of operations is isolated.

Whatever...I know i'll be playing EfUA and EfU, as long as my old pcs still can. And as it was mentionned several times: some areas of UD will remain... what can we make of it ?