
Started by dragonfire9000, February 03, 2009, 08:40:16 PM

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I've noticed that of late there seems to be a massive amount of lag. It's not just when there are 30 + people either. It makes it very difficult to be the military leader of a faction when your character dies several times due to lag incidents, donchaknow.

So, I'm not posing a suggestion, I'm looking for them.

I know this problem is not my computer, as people around me complain about the same issue. What's up with this? We upgraded servers a while back, didn't we? Do you DM persons need more donations? I love EfU:A, but it's really no fun to log in and not be able to do anything without dying.

Yes, this sounds like whining. Yes, this is whining.

Somebody give me a suggestion for cutting down lag kthnxbye


Can you give a specific time/location/situation when this happened?  Yesterday I was doing some work that caused the server to lag pretty severely, but that's over now.


It's not a problem with the server, we've had events where we had like the entire server in one area with a monster battle taking place, with like no lag. If it's not your computer sucking, it's a networking issue, which there is really nothing anybody can do about it short of you moving your location or the server movint it's location and having you both hope for hte best the new location has a better connection..


I have a minor comment here, leaving junk laying around adds to lag, right?  dropping items on the ground instead of dumping them in the garbage.  I notice ALOT of this nowadays.  I'd suggest as a slight effort that the server band togethor to not litter....


I think Cruzel is right.  I see people complain while I go lag-free.  Unless of course something is happening that is too intense for the hamster in my computer to keep up with, like an orc invasion or a massive party.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I suffer client-side lag in certain areas, like the colony market, because my computer has trouble drawing the hundred or so NPCs that are crammed into that area.

But anywhere else I have rarely had lag issues. When I do, they're always an ISP problem, not EFUA's fault.


Since the migration to the new server, i've only had a very little lag in the colony market. Even during massive events, i never had any.


It's entirely possible that it's Ziggurat-centered, but it's really all the time. I notice a spike when I'm around the great towah, but I really can't escape it. I mean, the bat quest is all I can do without perishing!


Please note the difference between client-lag and latency-lag.

One is based off of a computer stumbling a bit when dealing with rendering areas, placeables, combat, etc. We can do things to address this (such as redesigning areas), but it's basically dependent upon an individual's computer.

The other is based off of data taking too long to pass through the internet. A while ago we upgraded to a new, very fast and powerful server with a very strong connection (based in Washington D.C.). I have yet to experience any latency, and from some informal polling we did, it seemed like most people experienced very little latency.

Where people did, it often was the result of their own connection.

I'd suggest performing a trace route ping if this is a consistent problem, as it's difficult to say what the problem is without more information.

If a LOT of people are experiencing latency, then I hope I would have heard about it by now, as we are paying a lot more than we used to and I was under the impression that EFU was essentially lag free for most people.


Just thought I'd throw in that I too experience a lot of lag in particular areas of the wilds. In the Bog for instance, I get a ton of lag. A common thread also seems to be coming across monsters, I lag a ton in the wilds right before I come across them. It kind of serves as a "early warning" actually, so its not all bad, but thought it was worth mentioning.

I know others have had the same issue. It could very well be my comp, but never had a problem in the Underdark.


I did a wee bit more exploration/tweaking/experimentation, and I've found that I can run the game respectably well when my graphics are zeroed. The only area that still kills me is the main Ziggurat. Open-air, tons of NPCs/placeables, all those transitions... *shivers* If we ever have a Nightriser invasion while I'm logged on, I'm screwed. However, in most other areas, I'm fine.

But I wonder, why do I have to zero my graphics? This never used to be a necessity. I remember the first day of play after we switched servers, and it was golden! Still a bit of confusion here.

And yes PL, the spawn thing is quite annoying/useful.


Patch 1.69 upped NWN's system requirements a ton; while some of the new game art is quite beautiful, it's obviously not up to par with other games, not even NWN2 (which I can run mostly full graphics) - so it's more likely that the patch content was just poorly designed as hogs more resources than it needs to.