Nerfing the Elemental, and Alignment Domains

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, February 06, 2009, 04:27:12 AM

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It has come to my attention that Scotty has said that it is possible to change the dmg type for harming spells according to Domain (or this is what I understood)

I suggest the following dmg types be added to each Domain!

Fire- Fire

Water- Cold

Earth- um...

Air- Electricity

Good: Divine or positive

Evil or Undead- Empowered Negative energy harm spell.

This possible?


Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;109097Earth- um...



What's the point of empowering harm?

It drops you to 1hp either way.


Lol 9lives|Doesn't know EFU Mechanics.

On EFU harm is 10 dmg per CL, and it CAN kill you :D


I believe thomas meant Inflict X Wound spells... which already do negative damage, in the case of the Evil/Undead suggestion. Lol, so not empowering them - not with these jerks around, anyways. Maybe when they're not looking...

Aldrick Tanith

I still disagree that changing negative energy to any type of elemental damage is empowering the inflict spells.  It is making them weaker because it is easier to protect against elemental energy on EFU:  A.  If you wanted to empower them you'd have to make the inflict spells do magical damage, which has no protection.