The Convocation of Gallants

Started by Corrigo, June 03, 2013, 09:42:45 PM

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Yeah, so the Convocation of Gallants is dead, I hear you say. But this isn't just some short-lived player faction. The Convocation of Gallants is the prophesied army that will fight H'bala on the last day.

Many PCs have already signed their name in the Book of Gallants, which is the Convocation's official sign-up charter. This topic, however, is to generate interest for those people who want to play characters that will be more on the driving side of this organisation.

Activities will (hopefully) include:

- Regular raids into Withered lands.
- Extensive scouting and research into the Withered hordes.
- Big f-ing giant fights against the undead (DMs willing).
- And maybe even some secret plotty stuff!

Those interested in discussing more are welcome to seek me out through whatever means necessary, but I've registered the IRC channel #gallants specifically for this.