The Company of Shadowed Paths

Started by Valo56, June 12, 2013, 10:25:24 PM

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[tface=salt]The Company
Shadowed Paths

Nevermind the silly name or androgynous members (because all Elves are women). I'm forming a group of Shevarashans or those who would feasibly ally with them, whether other elves or even other humanoid races interested in what lays below, for the purpose of royally screwing things up for the Drow. Over the years I've always wanted a character who went down to the Underdark, having missed out on EfU's first chapter. I think it's past time I actually got around to this, and mean to make the most of it.

A few of the things I have planned:
-Exploration and mapping of the Underdark, along with possible intrigue in Old port
-The hunting of rare and powerful creatures on the server, likely some of the strongest you've fought (or at least, that surfacer scum like me who have only been around since EfU:A have fought)
-War councils, strategic planning, political maneuvering, blackmail and espionage
-Smiling (not really)
-Much more, I've some big goals, but some of it is fairly secretive

Any race, any class, any alignment, really. More honorable and goodly folks may have difficulty, along with non-elves.

Feel free to contact me here or on IRC (Valo) if you have any questions. :)


Feel free to join me on #ShadowedPaths