Shelgnarns Persistent Blade

Started by Efu_Executioner, February 07, 2009, 02:32:19 AM

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Could this spell be made to apply to the summoning rules, and perhaps given more then 4 hp.

I can has fun?


This is an evocation spell, not a summon/conjuration.  What that means?  I dunno, but it might be meant to be different from all the rest.


I think the lower caster level duration might need a small tweak, it is pretty ineffective because a lot of the duration is spent standing in place and casting only to find the blade standing in place for a while and then in like 10 seconds goes away.  Maybe have evocation SF and GSF increase the duration a little for evokers that can't conjure or give it 1-2 rounds more to the spell?


Shelgarn's is underrated. Personally, I'm against anything other than (G)SF: Conjuration extending summon durations, and it obviously shouldn't affect an evocation spell.


The duration is annoyingly short, but there are interesting aspects to the spell that are rather obvious to anyone who's ever used it.  The summon spells are obviously more useful for various reasons, not the least of which is more HP and sticking around longer.  That the spell can't keep pace with higher level summons is fine in my mind, because it really shouldn't.

I think there are reasons to consider both Shelgarn's and SM 1 when considering your spell selection, so in my mind I don't really see a need for changing it up.  At higher levels I wouldn't bother with it if you need a throwaway summon, but for lower level encounters I think it is surprisingly more useful despite the drawbacks.



it acctually doesnt, for the 30 odd seconds you get it, its can really help a wizard win a one on one battle especially at levels of 2,3 and 4.


Quote from: Snoteye;109296Shelgarn's is underrated. Personally, I'm against anything other than (G)SF: Conjuration extending summon durations, and it obviously shouldn't affect an evocation spell.

I would agree, except the evocation spell isn't really a summon but more of a evocation of sharp steel.  It is a useful spell but the lower levels which it is used for seems a little two short considering the blade is really slow going to targets.  I just think 1-2 rounds to the spell itself more would allow some margin of error and lag to not completely screw the wizard is a good idea.

Although perhaps evocation can indeed enhance the blade spell!  SF level perhaps giving it properties of having a undead bane/silver weapon with a chance of casting an instant electric jolt on hit and at GSF giving it properties of a undead bane/silver weapon with a frequent chance of casting a quickened low level magic missile on hit.  This would of course be useful for hostile NPCs as well.


Prepare 6 Shelgarns, some Flame Weapons, and Invis. Find a tough monster in the wilds while Invisible. Cast Shelgarns, Flame it. Repeat. Find a safe place to rest, if necessary, and continue.

I would seriously do this for the handful of XPs that Deep Lizards would give, during the strange Australian hours of the server when no DMs and almost no people were on.