Magic weapons

Started by Damien, March 26, 2013, 05:59:03 PM

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I may have just never noticed this before but a lot of common spawns, as well as all these new spawns i.e. murdertown raiders seem to have magical weapons. Is it possible to see about removing these from common spawns? It just seems like it's punishing those who rely on blur to survive (bards, sorcerors, wizards, barbs who dont use armour).


The Pauper has obviously cast extended magic weapon on all of his children.

Our enemies are also capable of casting all of the spells we can.


I applaud your ability to clutter the suggestion forum with nonsensical replies.


These areas are supposed to be dangerous and scary, but not being familiar with them I couldn't tell you whether it was adequately balanced.

It does feel like just running from point A to point B requires you to gather a party and buff up as if preparing for a QA sometimes.


Invis is your friend if you need to get from A to B in dangerous areas. I'd prefer if there's tough guys about.


Weapons carried by monsters have a random element to them. This is old old old (i.e. 1-2 years) at least, but yes it means that some low level monsters can have, rarely, a +1 weapon.