Remus Blackheart

Started by One_With_Nature, February 09, 2013, 02:33:41 AM

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Well, this has been one of most fun to play characters I have ever played. Came back to efu after a very long break and been playing Remus ever since and it’s been a wild ride.

All started with a basic idea of setting up in Old Stones making lots of allies and pursuing some of the servers big plots and seeking lore by any means necessary to uncover these mysteries. I took this from my background I think it sums him up pretty well.

"Taking that which he desires at whatever cost. His sociopathic ways and obsession with control paired with his sharp intellect and smooth tongue made him a dangerous man to cross"

While I didn't have any particular big goals he turned into so much more then I had planned for him and I got involved in Politics/Murder/Theft/Lies/Backstabbing you name it he did it! Hope everyone who got involved with him enjoyed him as much as I did. Thanks to everyone who helped make him what he was. (Screenshots to come!)

This character was created on Monday, December 17th, 2012 at 11:28:32 AM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 349 times.
The character has spent 11 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes, and 17 seconds online.

My first ever rogue that got to level 10, crippling strike is indeed fun. Other screenshots are too spoilerish.

Chaotic Evil - Human
Rogue (10)
Current XP [TNL]: 45844 [9156]
Age: 25
 Deity: Mystryl (Not his faith on character creation make of it what you will)


Gave Tomas quite a few sleepless nights...

Yes, I was wise to some of your dastardly plans :P Good, sneaky little character!


Ah, Remus. So much more than meets the eye.

Well played all along, it was a pleasure discussing mysteries with him.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Exploring buddies! XD


He was fun to hang out with! Always made things interesting.

The Old Hack

Always gave the impression of being Up To Something, a scary fellow with an unknown agenda he pursued with implacable will. o.o

Sad to see him go! But hope to see the next one soon, and that it will be fun for you, too!



And so all of the secrets die with you, now none shall know the dual plots of Morinson and Blackheart. AWESOME PC
man, really had a staggering amount of "in the know" things to share or
Obscure. Late night meetings in the Estate were some
Of the most atmospheric moments I've experienced



Really well-played character! Sad to see him go.


Awesome fun for sure.  Gave Ranes much to think and worry about.  Awesome job!


Great PC own, he will be missed