Scare and Sleep

Started by Semli, January 18, 2009, 10:54:29 PM

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These spells stink.  They have an HD limit that prevents many common enemies featured in the QAs completely immune to them.  For example, I believe all but the non-descript kobolds on the Scalemount quest are immune to Scare, meaning the bulk of the spawns in that QA are immune entirely.  From my antics in the Underdark I remembered that sleep fared pretty poorly in general.  Of all things I can remember using it on, only the Bat Boss (yeah, the giant bat thing at the end of that newbie quest) and certain lizardmen were susceptable to it.  Now that I'm thinking about it the duergar on that pig quest were a low enough level to be hurt by it, so that is something to take into consideration as well (you could even daze them, haw haw).

Anyhow, I do not believe the HD of the typical monster in a QA should be lowered in general to give these spells more utility, since in other aspects the monsters seem to work well.  Rather, we should consider changing how Scare and Sleep (and maybe even Daze) handle the HD limit.  Fear is arguably worse effect than Stun, for example, as the monsters flight complicates harming it further.  Sleep is a more reasonable concern since a monster who slumbers can be killed with a melee attack, but maybe the coup de grace mechanic could be removed or sleep given a daze effect on higher level creatures.

If someone who has access to these spells could give us some more examples or observations, that would be appreciated.